18 Ekim 2015 Pazar

How diet of children 12-17 years

For all ages of children must necessarily consume milk and yogurt. But school-age children begin after more difficult to follow the diet. If they can bring food from home to school still more fortunate. School will take between two thin slices of bread or 1 sandwich bread 1 matchbox soft white cheese, tomatoes or cucumbers as a breakfast menu will be enough for them. Besides, of course, must be a fruit! In the 12-17 age group, if a child must be fed with a dietician if overweight. Or worse results can occur. Another important aspect of children's sports in their lives need to be sure to be longer in this period. Junk food consumption to a minimum, if possible, should be reduced to zero.

Which must be 1800-2250 calories a day diet for children in the 12-17 age group.
In the morning, the list should follow:

1 egg or 1 matchbox cheese (68 remain)
2-4 small slices of bread (140-280 left)
1 cup milk (120kal)
1.5 tablespoons (deletion) jam-honey-molasses (60 remain)
1 small tomato or orange (left 22-48).
Lunch program should follow:
1 or 3 servings of meat and vegetable dishes dumplings (150- 210 remains),
½ cup yogurt or 1 cup buttermilk (65-80 left)
1 serving dessert or fruit (300-60 stay)
2-4 slices of bread (140-280 left).
Evening programs should follow:
1 serving of meat and vegetable dishes (150-200kal)
1 serving of pasta or rice-patty (450 left)
Salads (30-50 left)
½ cup yogurt or 1 cup buttermilk (65-80 left)
2-4 slices of bread (70-280kal).
½ cup yogurt do not want to eat then you should consume 1 cup of milk.

The girls in this age group, bread, desserts and cereals should consume half.


Famous actress Gwyneth PELTRON has been developed specifically for the cleansing diet.

What is the secret of this detox diet?

This diet is designed by New York cardiologist who Canker Alexandrou.

This is the main feature of the diet orange juice, dairy products, alcohol, sugar, wheat, caffeine, is to stop the raw seafood.

Gwyneth PELTRON of the daily diet list was as follows:

7:00 at room temperature 1 cup lemon juice
8:00 a cup of herbal tea
10:00 cocktail made from raspberry and rice 1 cup water
11:30 1 cup coconut milk
13:30 vegetable soup
16:00 A handful of almonds
18:00 steamed fish and soda
23:00 3 full tablespoons olive oil

Cardiologist that tells people who want to diet, can cause headaches in the early days because it is a serious diet.

For this, you need to consult a doctor before dieting.
The mother of two Gwyneth PELTRON was satisfied with this diet, and feel no discomfort.

This diet is involved in the next Gwyneth meditasyonla, contrast baths and massages to do was go.

What are rapid weight loss winter vegetables?

What are rapid weight-loss foods?

Winter appetite when we opened, we are prone to weight gain. Closed and that the rainy weather, negatively affect our mood. So, what do we do, we will all be like this winter? Of course, no! Hippocrates "Ye are to get your medicine!" Remembered his promise, we will improve ourselves with the healthiest and fastest debilitating winter vegetables.

"I'm going on a diet" as a team, we talked to provide you with the most accurate and reliable information Dietitian Kubra honey. During the winter season, happiness, love to give you food, health and weight of the vegetables we have learned that what you will read eagerly.

Red radishes: radishes for diabetics, blood sugar should be consumed because of the regulatory effect. The antioxidant effects of red radish, which is at the same time because of the red color edema shooter.

Spinach: A, C, E, K vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine-containing spinach rich in vegetable protein.

Broccoli: A good source of calcium and vitamin C. Broccoli, especially for the balance should be consumed by the hormone estrogen in menopausal women.

Biceps: biceps because it contains vitamin folic acid should be consumed by pregnant women is a good calcium and vitamin C source.

Leeks: leek with the gallic acid in which the family is Soğangil are retarding effect against the effects of aging. It also provides protection against colon cancer with sulfur content. Leeks are an ideal vegetable for the problem of constipation is a high source of fiber.

Kale: Contains vitamin K concentrations a positive effect on the nervous system booster and kale protector for Alzeihmer disease.

Cauliflower: A good source of vitamin C and folic acid, cauliflower, contained diindolilmet the (DIM) to battle with breast cancer shows article and relaxing effect against premenstrual syndrome.

Cabbage: Cabbage controlling blood sugar levels is particularly suitable for people who have diabetes and diet. It contains vitamin contributes to the stomach and intestinal health.

Brussels sprouts: malignant (LDL) help to lower cholesterol and protect against cancer.

Garlic: It contains a natural antibiotic which is needed for the winter months with allium sativum garlic agents should not be missing meals.

Celery: by Hippocrates, "the drug of tense nerves" as defined celery, a soothing effect. During the winter months due to the immune system booster feature should be used in salads and soups.

Beets: skin diseases, especially the (hair loss, such as eczema) well from beets, a powerful cancer fighter.

How is fatty liver?

Accumulation of fat droplets in liver cells with fatty liver occurring, if not avoided, can lead to permanent damage and fatal diseases such as cirrhosis. Excess weight, fatty liver in people with diabetes or insulin resistance is seen often. So, how goes fatty liver causes, how do you heal this disease on a diet?

Who gets fatty liver?

Fatty liver disease is characterized by the accumulation of fat droplets in the liver cells. Of fat accumulation in liver cells as well as the liver damage causing progressive solidification and some cases may even cirrhosis. The incidence of fatty liver, caused by obesity and insulin resistance arises due to reasons such as inactivity and eating disorders. That's why the majority of liver transplants performed in the coming years to develop due to fatty liver will develop cirrhosis and liver are therefore expected to be made to cancer patients.

What are the symptoms of fatty liver?

Symptoms often seen in people with fatty liver; weakness, fatigue and reluctance. Weakness evident especially in patients with elevated liver tests. Diagnosis of the disease is the main method used in ultrasound. Without any harmful rays of patients with this method, sound waves can be determined by the structure of the liver. The patient's liver steatosis on ultrasound in the rise in blood testing and should be consulted if there is insulin resistance. Patients who had elevated liver tests should be monitored regularly for 3 or 6 months. The most important way to understand whether the progressive forms of the disease is simple steatosis or "liver biopsy" is. In this method, a needle and examined in part by the liver and that there is inflammation in the liver, the degree of hardening of the liver (fibrosis) and risk status determination is made.

How to treat fatty liver?

The two most important method to prevent fatty liver disease is diet and exercise. Here in individuals who are overweight and aim to reach the ideal weight as well as to correct insulin resistance. Especially the reduction of daily calorie intake in the diet, fed the poor from the triglycerides, plenty of vegetables to be consumed, it is recommended to avoid high glycemic index foods. Patients should be targeted to provide maximum 3 months kg. Because the giving and receiving of rapid weight can aggravate fatty liver. Insulin resistance, which constitutes the basis for creating the theory of cause fatty liver. Therefore, people with fatty liver should increase their daily activity. Per week to be at least 150 minutes of fast-paced walking or light jogging is the most recommended sports. Severe muscle exercises are not recommended.

How is fatty liver diet?

Frequently consumed foods cleanse the liver, it turned into a walking and sports a part of the lives of both liver disease and it is possible to get rid of excess weight. So, first suggested after adjusting your diet in the form of the disease must admit, walk yourself iyileştirmelisiniz.b the process expresses the most appropriate sport, walking or light jogging.

Why can not I diet?

Gives weight but people around you, you start the diet tomorrow today are disturbing and so you feel bad, do not you? Well, no return to the past Have you ever tried to figure out where you hang out? Yeah, you try to understand yourself is a very important point during weight loss because your thoughts will determine whether to continue your diet. "But what do I do now?", I think, will help you, do not worry!

I eat but I do not put on weight is not the right word!

"Take a look at poor people around you. Like eating anything they want and not gain weight even. However, such a situation is not possible to take too eat to lose weight. Poor people can adjust the amount they eat and can not eat the brakes on them too. Moreover, some people have the habit of doing sport or moving; They use every opportunity during the day to spend calories coming out against such they prefer to use the stairs instead of the lift ...

The ability to natural diet

The main reason is actually making skills in the natural diet of these people remain poor. So these people have to make a lifestyle diet; eat less and spend more calories received a habit for them. Some people naturally have these skills, habits acquired in childhood herein important genetic factors. But if some people do not have these skills naturally, these people can acquire these skills and develop through learning. "

Learn, implement and do it again!

"Learning, deploy, and again ... Let's say you want to learn how to swim. You need to learn which movements you need to do before that. Not enough to know this in theory, must enter the water, you need to practice what you have learned. Whether you are skills that need to again become permanent frequently after swimming. Dieting also learned skills in this way. What you're doing wrong before, and in fact you should know what you should do. Then passing it to your daily life that you should reflect on your behavior. The final stage is to automate these skills, you must also use these skills in abundance for it.

Where we doing wrong?

People who can not develop this skill, you're making a mistake over any of the above mentioned steps.

The mistakes made in the learning process: The person does not know or may know what to do wrong. Improper diet is the most typical example of this. Calorie restriction is overly done, leaving open person, "shock" diet can cause weight loss in a short time, but people give even more to take the weight quickly.

The mistakes made in the implementation process: People, as practical as theoretical knowledge learned in the daily life may not be spent. For example; people learned about the information that should be left open while dieting. But skipping meals while the diet and therefore remains open. In this case the opening of a person's appetite and thus cramming attack living mistakes made in the process of the olur.tekr cause weight gain are: I learned that you have to starve himself when people diet and really also apply to diet or skip meals. A week later, he returned to his old eating patterns. So he practices a skill he learned again and again. Learn new information quickly cleared and people return to their old eating habits. Because the brain is common knowledge, but again becomes permanent.

Cognitive behavioral therapy can be learned

Continuously using the same patterns of thought and behavior does not help you lose weight in turning around a vicious circle. So far, neither of you blocking your weight loss which you receive or give back the weight and the thoughts and behaviors that you need to learn how to mold and how they changed. This topic will help you a kind of psychotherapy is cognitive behavioral therapy. "

This homemade natural tea drinkers heart melts!

Belly melting tea recipe

If not, you can still "I want to melt in my belly, but I do not know what to do!" Are you saying sorry? And those who want to get rid of belly fat around the waist, prepared at home and completely natural drink that tea! Moreover, nursing mothers and patients with thyroid according to melt belly tea, you can safely consume.

Accelerate the metabolism of the body to make more fat and burn calories, tea recipe made from miraculous plants of nature that we share with you!

Belly melting'll drink some tea as fresh every day and until of desired weight. Should we offer full use of the material, you should not add or subtract. This tea also, edema, expectorant and helps cut cravings for sweets, prevent overeating, increases your energy.


1 apple (can be red or green)
1 lemon
1 cinnamon stick
1 tablespoon dried mint
1 tablespoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon black peppercorns
1 teaspoon fresh ginger
If fresh ginger or 1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 liter of boiled and distilled water, minutes
Preparation and use:

This herbal tea prepared from the night, and left to infuse until the morning. After brushing your teeth every night to win habits can set an alarm on your phone, or you can prepare this tea to forget.

Slice the apples and lemon without peeling. Mix all ingredients in a liter of warm water to the tea pot or glass pitcher. Cover and let stand until the morning.

Strain the tea the next morning. 3 meals a day, before meals for one cup. She must finish the day tea, prepare to be fresh the next morning.

17 Ekim 2015 Cumartesi

Diet 15 Main What is your enemy?

Not just mistakes in this business are also annoying factors sabotaging your diet means you're going to look every Monday start you can not come to an end one kind of diet or year with a jealous eye skinny women walking around even when you navigate open the half.

This situation means it's time to put an end if you do not give even a not anyway, even though you regret three days a kilo grams were late in being looked envy the chocolate half of your life or you're eating every sweet day. Thinking of your diet is not working, change your diet should do thorough research before you even learn where you are wrong.

Here are 15 reasons to sabotage your diet:

Fast food

Quick meals can cause you to gain weight, you must eat so slow. After chewing for a long time to swallow food, it means knowing when to save food entering the body of the brain. In this way, the sense of taste is also satisfied. So you're satisfied with your understanding, when you stop eating between shorter.


One of the most important factors of your diet failure to work is sedentary. Formerly a maybe 10 or 15 minutes walking to meet your friends can chat just now happening via the internet or until mailleşerek met. As such, you can choose to act instead of sitting.


You can use sweeteners instead of sugar to constant weight gain. But research suggests that trick the body in natural caloric intake of artificial sweeteners and therefore received show that reveals the desire to use more sugar.


The vegetables should be sure to wash your salad ingredients that are organically grown and you must choose. The hormones should stay away from fruits and vegetables.

Low-fat foods

Oil ratio is actually not much difference between high and low food as previously thought. Yogurt, milk or cheese, but this rate mattered low-fat eating fat cake is no difference between food that is high.


The brain chemicals that cause us to feel hungry soon as you notice a decrease in energy in the body secretes. These chemicals are secreted in part, at the same time tightening controls and our feelings in our rush to the fridge or the main reason we feel this is too bad.

To skip meals

Every meal you eat your metabolic rate by 20 percent within two hours - 30 meals slows down your metabolism increases, but if you jump. Especially the biggest problem to have breakfast and your metabolic rate slows down 5 percent in overnight stays at the same rate until eat a meal.

Fruit juices

High levels of fructose juices opens your appetite. Therefore, eat fruit or drink fresh juice is much more useful.


The liver is the body's fat-burning organ and if you spend a lot of energy for combustion is more intense work filled with toxins such as alcohol and tired. Therefore, pre-dinner drink fat or sugar should be careful not to consume too much.


You can choose to eat salad for your diet but eat outside if you eat a salad, sauce, salad. Because the special sauce with salad made of these calorie maintenance is not very different from a hamburger.

Date of Birth

If you were born during the winter because you are likely to be lost from the start research carried out it shows that they are highly prone to obesity winter baby. The reason for this is to have a slower metabolism employees.

Birth control

One of the biggest problems women have weight gain due to the birth control methods. Specifically, some women take birth control pills are appetite.

Sleep patterns

According to the study nights sleeping less than four hours, they gained more weight than the people sleeping more. Because a tired body, a normal day and not light burning energy metabolism slows down. To do this, you must take care to get regular sleep every day.


Newly married couples complain that they always put on weight after marriage. The reason for this agreement is the result of a desire to share everything life simultaneously. But the same amount of food with your partner when it said it is wrong, or you can have a happy marriage without eating the same things.

Thyroid problems

If you feel tired all the time, you started to gain weight and you may be sluggish thyroid are constantly cold. This causes your metabolism to run more slowly. Consult a specialist for this and fish, beneficial foods such as nuts should note taking.

According to Zodiac diet

The rings believed to be effective in people's behavior, food can be decisive in eating habits. So while complying with the features of your horoscope diet are one of those who thinks that the wise, do not go without reading ...

Aries (March 21 to April 20): Your extremely fond of eating junk food. Therefore, bells are ringing for you. Instead, avoiding salt and alcohol and plenty of water. Tomatoes, potatoes, onions, beans, lentils, cauliflower, lettuce, lettuce, spinach, radishes, rice, olives, apples, pumpkins, foods such as walnuts added to your weekly diet are absolutely necessary food. Sweet necessary for you! Apricots should be more like sugar-free desserts.

Taurus (April 21-May 21): Your yaşayanlardans to eat. But remember that in the future this weight will trouble your head. Avoid carbohydrates. Otherwise you have a chubby person. You can take indigestion. Low starch, sugar and fat diet, nutrition should be a necessary part of your life. Foods that contain natural iodine, fish and seafood, eggs, liver, kidney, wheat, spinach, beets, green salad and fresh fruit should always be in your food list. It should also be an indispensable part of your life to drink water.

Gemini (May 22-June 21): You're moving in a hurry when eating food so much that now has become this affects your health. Dishes too swallow without chewing. The principle of eating less but makes frequent. Gemini should eat healthy if you want to be healthy bones. Gemini is also very common for blood clotting. Fish, butter and cottage cheese, carrots, oranges, grapefruit, peach, plum, grape juice, dry grapes and almonds in your diet list of essential nutrients. Calm down, you and the herbs and decaffeinated teas for your peace of mind for you.

Cancer (June 22-July 23): Do not be emotional influences in your dietary habits. Üzüldük of the pie, cake to you wrapped in ice cream and confectionery. But crabs, starchy foods, sugar, salt and spices should avoid. Because the stomach is very sensitive. Too much calcium your body needs. Milk with low fat cheese and yogurt, kale, tomatoes, salad and lettuce, plenty of fresh vegetables and lean protein is good for your health, your skin and stomach, it allows you to control your weight more easily. To become thinner, you must first settle your own.

Leo (July 24-August 23): Cooking has become almost a pleasure for you. Fine restaurants, delicious meals every time decorate your dream. Extremely good at your diet to make you pay attention to your body. You will great! To be regularly your blood circulation; beef, lamb and poultry meat, liver, raw egg yolk, celery, apples, figs, peaches, lemons and almonds is perfect for you. It is recommended servings of the 50 percent reduction.

Virgo (August 24-September 23): Candy speaking of you comes to mind. Especially among the indispensable life of your chocolate. However, you should avoid this food because it can cause problems in your heart. Salt, wheat, rye, lean beef and lamb, cheese, olives, oranges, lemons, melons, apples, pears food your ideal asset. Melons, apples, pears partly to clear your skin and helps to provide care for your hair. The apple is your savior.

Libra (September 24 to October 22): Libra kidneys, lower back represents. Peas, corn, carrots, spinach, wheat, oats, apples, strawberries, almonds and raisins should always be at hand. Too much acid for your kidneys, you should avoid beverages. Very thin and elegant body; thin slices will be useful.

Scorpio (23 October-22 November): Your horoscope production represents organs. You can experience respiratory problems. Bread made from grain, fish and seafood, salad greens, onions, red radishes, a diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables is right for you. Proper nutrition will take away your tension.
Sagittarius (November 23-December 20): Sign your hips, legs represent the upper and liver. Choose nuts and vegetables to feed naturally. Plenty of raw vegetables, green peppers, potatoes, figs, prunes, strawberries, apples, pears, and recommended to eat grain cereals.

Capricorn (December 21-January 18): You have a structure and diligent in trying unconsciously you skip meals. But this is very harmful for you. Your body needs food to a wide mixture of vitamins and minerals. Burcunuz, knees, teeth, ears, and it represents the skin. Cabbage, celery, lean meats, lemon, orange, cow's milk, all kinds of cheese, fish, egg yolk, wheat and figs in your search should be very good. Apricots, dry and allergic prone to revitalize your skin by eating almonds. Try to protect your skin and keeping it away from cigarette smoke.

Aquarius (January 19-February 20): Your body needs vitamin C continuously. Your innovative cooking style. Therefore, you will love tasting different flavors. Burcunuz represent calf and textures with his hands and ankles. Your body needs a lot of table salt. This is not the need for table salt, is the most logical to take the food that contains this item. When you get too much salt poor blood circulation, are you open to a bulging body, and liver damage than necessary means. Seafood, broccoli, carrots, radish, pumpkin, spinach, apple, peach, lemon, orange, grapefruit, pomegranate and pineapple in natural salt foods are ideal for you.

Pisces (February 20-March 21): Solid and boring diet is not for you. High protein, low in fat and sugar diet when you apply you feel better about yourself too. Burcunuz hearing with feet, hearing, touching and tasting it represents. Iron is the main needs of your body. Iron deficiency causes anemia and low blood pressure. Liver contains rich iron in your diet, lean beef, lamb, egg yolk, brain, mussels, spinach, onions, barley, lettuce, wheat bread, beans, apples, grapes, lemons, oranges, peaches, dates, prunes and grapes It should take place. Parsley can be added to this list.

Children between 4-5 years of age diet

The attitude of the child's family earning regular eating habits is very important.
Clear enough and is fed by the growth and development of the child. Each child is unique metabolic rate. Görmeyip enough that a child should not be required to eat normal food growing more food.

The child does not want to drink the same amount of pudding made of milk, rice pudding or yoghurt.

Fried dishes without the oven, the water should be cooked or grilled.
Including food cake, cookies, cakes, biscuits granting unnecessary. These foods can lead to tooth decay. They replace milk, fruit or fruit juice may be.
Most adults should set an example to the children about nutrition.

1 egg or 1 matchbox cheese (68 remain)
1-3 small slices of bread (60-180kal)
1 cup of milk (120 left)
1 / 2y spoon to (deletion) jam-molasses (20kal)
1 small tomato or orange (22-48 left)

2 ½ servings of meat and vegetable dishes or dumplings (75-150 stay)
½ cup yogurt (65-80 left)
1 slice of bread (70 remain)

1-2 servings of meat and vegetable dishes (150-300 left)
1/2 servings of rice-pasta (225-250 left)
1 serving of fruit or vegetables (48 -60 left)
1 slice of bread (70 remain)

Search in:
1 cup of milk (120 left)

Full servings for adults.

Lunch and dinner may be replacedA

The poor to eat

Macro nutrients are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. These forms give energy to the body tissues. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals. They do not give energy, are more officers to regulate metabolic activity. Each food contains nutrients in varying amounts.

If you consume a sufficient and balanced food groups, you will ensure all the nutrients necessary for life. We all know that eating right is no longer necessary for healthy living. But it is not as easy as told to feed properly. Need to develop some methods. More healthy and quality lives, to protect them from chronic diseases and nutrition brief look at the following methods to provide regular weight:

Whole grain cereals, bran as the name suggests are products in the form of unallocated one. Corn, wheat, rice, oats and barley ... dieting, bread, rice, they avoid eating foods such as pasta. We believe that we provide faster weight when we consume what we call three white flour-sugar-butter. Yet it is possible to lose weight without diet completely removing the bread group.

Here comes the diet pulp agenda. Diet pulp, it is a type of carbohydrate and the nutrients are not digested and absorbed in the intestine can not be part of this name is given. Nuts, tomatoes, okra, peas, leeks, dried beans are the most important dietary source of pulp. With the help of natural resources in the diet of adults, provide 25-30 grams of pulp per day is recommended. Various vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts consumed, and should be different pulp.

WEIGHT DATA to fresh fruit and vegetables
Healthy servings of fruits and three servings of vegetables a day at least 2 different to eat a balanced diet should be consumed. Different fruits and vegetables contain different amounts of nutrients. In fact enrich your meals with fruits and vegetables is not difficult. Seasonal suitable for various vegetables, whole wheat pasta, made with whole wheat flour you can use when preparing pizzas and pies, turkey, chicken and red meat than you do can be added to food as a condiment.

Fats are the main energy source of the body. Provides the essential fatty acids, fat-soluble A, D, E, it helps absorption of vitamin K. That's why we have to take our food to an absolute amount of fat. Nutrition should be the first changes to be made in order to reduce saturated fats.

You should consume less sugar
Sugary foods we consume more than we take in more calories and also vitamins, minerals, we can take advantage of a sufficient number of important nutrients, such as proteins. We must pay attention to momentary pleasures maximum sugar we consume. Sugar calories to be 'empty calories' call. Get empty calories leads to obesity.

TOC MORE TO STAY 'low glycemic index of the SELECT FOOD

The glycemic index is a renewed ability to upgrade any food the blood sugar. The food you consume, no matter how long time raises blood sugar and a small amount is specified with a low glycemic index. These foods allow individuals to remain fuller for longer.

Hip melting diet

Do ye complaint width of the hips?

Gospel; We explain the primary concern for many women with hip problems to diets that eliminate shock ...

You can get rid of excess fat in your diet for 6 weeks you apply buttocks and hips.

Tight pants that you just watched the Americans tried this diet just to showcase celebrities on you can move easily.
Of course kıskandırıp your opponents, to mention a enthrall your partner ...
The aim of the diet result of inactivity and improper diet needed a special diet to get rid of oil collected at the bottom of the body.

It is composed of food you consume diet to find anywhere easily. Most importantly, fairly economical.

Diet affects part in the first degree of hip and pelvis, then comes the legs. More particularly in the so-called hip and knee pants riders cover people with weight problems can attain effective solution in full 6 weeks.

Apricot and almond muesli is known as the Diet.
Preparation of the muesli

The taste of muesli you can prepare quite delicious. Content almonds and dried fruits and grains to your body's so many foods. However, when combining all of your hips melt fat quickly, it puts the uniform.

2 cups oat, 2 cup broken nuts, 1 cup of wheat flour, 1 cup seedless raisins, 1 cup sunflower seeds, 1 cup almonds, 1 cup finely chopped dried apricots ..

Mix the ingredients, put the blender. The mixture you prepared to be a full 12 servings Take equal parts.

Each portion will consume the mixture by adding a glass of cold milk diet. You can add half a banana slice on the course.

1 month 8 Click to lose weight

Breakfast is the most basic way to speed up your metabolism to speed up the metabolism slows down overnight.

As well as a pleasant breakfast is a sign of a good day to be late.

Keep your blood sugar under control fluctuations in blood sugar, as this may cause increased appetite and weight gain can lead to decrease in the daily performance. Therefore, the need to feed periodically starve the body. The ideal thing is to stay open more than 4-5 hours.

Make it a habit to drink water from thirst in the body losing water, the water needs to meet as long as weakness, fatigue, headaches and concentration disorders may occur. Develop the habit of drinking at least 8 glasses of water you can drink thirst and intracellular and extracellular activity of the day to continue on a regular basis.

The correct combination: Protein + healthy carbohydrates, proteins care and energy to meet the needs of the true source of food for the body to function properly. Produce for your meals and eat the right combination of proteins in the energy production in the body and difficult-to-digest carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates that type. Whole-grain bread on your table, pasta, do not include a sufficient amount of carbohydrates like rice and grilled or lean meat cooked in the oven alongside these complex carbohydrates, chicken, eat lots of protein sources such as turkey or fish will not only help you maintain your weight, positively on blood sugar and blood cholesterol effects are created.

Say hello to the colors in the nature of a healthy way of life goes Spice up your dinner table move away from the table. One type of diet can cause many health problems. Therefore, you must ensure that the color of your table. Nutrition adding basic food groups in your habits, from the white (dairy products), red and brown (meats) from yellow (cereals) rainbow in the (fruits and vegetables), you should be on your table all colors.

Make it a hectic pace of life by eating ceremony that precious seconds of each individual sitting down to meals with snacks can go to gloss over the road. The stopped this scheme which brings problems along with unhealthy weight fed. Take time for yourself to eat more meals and try to get in the habit of finishing at least 20 minutes.

16 Ekim 2015 Cuma



Whatever your diet program not be applied in 3 out of 3 main meals.
We never skip our breakfast in the morning and never do.
Certainly open living sitting for dinner meal and leave too late
Move. The findings of various studies conducted in the world is that poor people moving
Adhere strictly to the diet program, which was not what you say and your dietitian
Drink plenty of water, increasing your fluid intake
Stay away from stress as possible.
Sugar flour and salt out of your life. Be aware that we receive adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables daily.
Sports and exercise to get your life. Thus enabling the faster the metabolism can give you a healthy way to lose weight.
Put an end to snack on food that you consume fondly to this day.
Of fatty foods, from fried, stay away from alcohol and pastries.
Set goals for yourself such as your decisive goal I proceed in this direction, saying, I will give 5 kilos in 30 days.

Be determined to set aside excuses to start a diet.


1. day must be taken within the group, which contains the basic nutrients is a balanced diet. However, the properties of the application in terms of time and people do need to be controlled. Exercise for energy and nutrients is not enough in terms of items. Absolutely at diets meals should not be applying. 12-14 glass of water should not be eaten, and surely must be missing inside

5 for those who are overweight:

Breakfast Tea (unsweetened),
Matchbox 1 cheese,
1 teaspoon honey-jam,
2 thin slices bread
Lunch until 5 loaf meat, chicken, fish (150 gr.)
or 1.5 servings salad, 1 thin slice of bread
or 5-6 tablespoon vegetable dish (meat or meatless, anhydrous),
2 cup yogurt (125 gr.)
2 slices bread
Time 15.00 1 serving fruit
Time 17:00 Tea (unsweetened), 2 pieces dried
Until the evening of 5 meatball, chicken, fish (150 gr.)
or 1.5 servings salad, 1 thin slice of bread
or 5-6 tablespoon vegetable dish (meat or meatless, anhydrous),
2 cup yogurt (125 gr.)
2 slices bread
Throughout the night 2 servings of fruit

Men implement this diet, while the amount of daily servings can be 1.5 times.

10 for those who are overweight:

Breakfast Tea, coffee (without sugar),
2 matchbox cheese,
1 thin slice of bread
Noon to 3 until the dumplings, chicken, fish (90 gr.), 1 thin slice of bread
or 1 bowl of soup, salad, bread, 1 thin slice
1 kaşarlı skimmed or toast,
tea, coffee (unsweetened)
2 hours 17.00 2 servings of fruit or dried
5-6 tablespoon vegetable evening meal,
a thin slice of bread

Throughout the night 2 servings of fruit

Lemon juice dissolves the belly?

Aims to get rid of belly fat, which means you take a positive step for your health. Does lemon juice heart melt? In our article we talked about the effects of melting the heart of this water, we've included the recipe. With lubrication 2 diabetes and heart disease is a condition directly related to abdominal girth. Lemon juice can be part of a healthy diet in your weight loss goal, but the water is very great sense and install, the accumulation of years of fat is not correct to imagine that in a moment.

There is no food oils that dissolve instantly. Slimming but more energy than the calories you take in your harcadğı occurs. But these are the lemon, grapefruit, acting to some foods such as cayenne pepper metabolic rate, accelerate the weight loss process, helps in fat loss.

The liver plays a major role in an important organ is our fat.

Lemon, purifies the liver from toxins, facilitates fat burning.

Every morning when you wake up half an hour before breakfast to start the day 1 cup water Squeeze a little lemon juice, this drink will help you achieve a slimmer waist in both the short term and will give fitness.

According to Purdue University, lemon juice, citric acid containing a diuretic that is a diuretic, this feature allows the weight vermekd to throw edema of the body is also very effective.

The melt belly with lemon juice, drink recipe
1-2 teaspoons of green tea leaf green tea bag or 1
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 cup warm water
5 pieces of mint leaves
Honey (honey-fold up to you)
1 cup hot water, take green tea and mint leaves.
And drop it onto the cover wrap to infuse 7-10 minutes.
Strain the tea and add lemon juice and honey.

Mix thoroughly and drink 3-4 times a day. Preferably, it is recommended to drink after meals.

Pepper Belly melts in?

When you consume more calories than your body needs, your body will store the excess calories as fat. Is chillies heart melt? In our article we talked about the effects on abdominal fat in these foods. Belly fat is not only an aesthetic problem, as well as cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes 2, and is also a major health problem by preparing the ground for many diseases, such as some types of cancer. To help to melt belly fat, there are many foods that accelerates metabolism. Cayenne pepper is one of those foods.

Hot peppers, called capsaicin, the heat receptor by binding to mucus membranes and skin "temperature" contains a substance that produces a feeling. The amount of capsaicin in the paprika varies according to the type of peppers. Habanero peppers contain capsaicin pepper is highest.
Capsaicin increases the body's heat production or thermogenesi play an important role on the energy use of your body. In 2009, "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" You capsinoid In a study published in the abdominal fat loss and to be effective in daily consumption of fat oxidation was noted. Capsaicins that contains cayenne pepper, increase fat burning, can stimulate abdominal fat loss.

Off appetite
Given the addition of heat as well to help with fat burning, weight loss can also provide hot pepper vermenz reducing the calorie intake.
According to The New York Times "published an article in the newspaper, thanks to appetite suppression bitter before eating bitter pepper peppery hot sauce consuming, you can reduce food consumption by 200 calories.

As a result
To melt belly fat, you should spend you to follow a nutrition program that provides less calories. To consume healthy foods and regular exercise is the best way to get rid of belly fat.

Although increasing the metabolic rate cayenne pepper, it is not a magic bullet for weight loss. However, regular consumption helps to melt the heart and large.


Numerous vegetables till pea eggplant, natual skin care has been one which cansimi Do you know? Greens along with your body have a constructive effect on our skin. By making use of that cover up is very all to easy to prepare a sleek as well as healthful skin tone can easily attain.

1 CUCUMBER COVER UP: A couple nip of dried primrose, outdone as well as pulverized. Cucumber peeled 50 percent a new glass of almond flour, together with night time primrose natural powder fireplace after prepared inside units. The actual caused concoction is slurried. Gruel-half glass of apple company liquid, a new tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil is emulsified by simply supplement.
Consequence: experience as well as neck skin tone, that cover up is put on allow it to become look well as well as healthful. After expecting 30 minutes therefore laundered with tepid to warm water as well as flower normal water is used.

simply two. Honey cover up: yarrow bloom, after units immediately after boiling pure normal water tv by simply squeezing. A new glass of normal water is cooled down. The actual caused pulp smashed immediately after 50 percent a new glass of of lemon liquid, a new tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, a new teaspoon of egg cell yolk blended with sweetie as well as whipped. The actual well prepared concoction is added frosty normal water milfoil. Disguise oat flour before the persistence is added.
Impact: removal of creases on the experience as well as helps prevent depression. This cover up needs to be used one week. Sixty minutes is necessary to continue being therefore.

3 egg cell cover up: two handfuls of wheat or grain, two cups of normal water are generally smashed. A couple egg cell yolk and also a tablespoon of almond acrylic is positioned. Can be put on the facial skin as well as did start to dry out laundered as well as flower normal water is used.
Consequence: Crimson stains as well as allows you take away zits. Can be used double per day, morning as well as night time. This cover up can be employed seeing that shampoos, curly hair supplies sparkle.

four. PEAS COVER UP: A couple servings fresh new peas, smashed after which it blended with grape molasses. Ovum bright as well as 50 percent a new glass of sunflower acrylic are generally added. Placing a new volume cover up not is stirred till persistence.
Consequence: 10 muscle supplies sparkle on the night time, bedtime needs to be used. The next day the skin is cleaned.

19 US entries shortlisted at Lions Health

About 80 entries were shortlisted in the pharma category at Lions Health creativity festival, including 19 entries from US agencies.

The awards will be announced later today at the second annual Lions Health, a two-day event that kicks off today in advance of the Cannes Lions festival.

Agencies are closely watching the pharma category after last year's jury declined to award a Grand Prix, the event's top prize, to a pharma entry, which raised broader questions about creativity within the pharmaceutical sector.

Of the US shortlisted entries, there are some surprising clients, including Quest Diagnostics, one of the nation's largest laboratory services providers, and Microsoft OneNote. But a number of entries for traditional Big Pharma companies were also shortlisted, including Novartis Vaccines, AbbVie's blockbuster rheumatoid arthritis drug Humira and GlaxoSmithKline's Anoro Ellipta, a new treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

DigitasLBI in New York is only US agency to have three entries shortlisted for AstraZeneca's disease-education campaign “Take it from a Fish,” which includes integrated digital campaign, digital and direct and promotional and activation. AstraZeneca received FDA approval last year for Epanova, a prescription fish-oil pill.

Possible Seattle and CDM in New York each had two shortlisted entries.

Other US agencies with a shortlisted entry are: McCann Echo (Mountain Lakes), StrawberryFrog (New York), CDM (New York), GSW (Columbus, Ohio), Aeras (Rockville, Md.), Ruder Finn (New York), Publicis Kaplan Thaler (New York), Havas Worldwide Tonic (New York), CDMiConnect, Alma DDB (Miami), Hill Holliday (Boston) and Deutsch (New York).

In the health and wellness category, there are 180 shortlisted entries, with 15 entries from US agencies

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

In the United States, an estimated 48,100 new human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections occurred in 2009 (1). Of these, 27% were in heterosexual men and women who did not inject drugs, and 64% were in men who have sex with men (MSM), including 3% in MSM who inject drugs. In January 2011, following publication of evidence of safety and efficacy of daily oral tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300 mg (TDF)/emtricitabine 200 mg (FTC) (Truvada, Gilead Sciences) as antiretroviral preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to reduce the risk for HIV acquisition among MSM in the iPrEx trial, CDC issued interim guidance to make available information and important initial cautions on the use of PrEP in this population. Those recommendations remain valid for MSM, including MSM who also have sex with women (2). Since January 2011, data from studies of PrEP among heterosexual men and women have become available, and on July 16, 2012, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a label indication for reduction of risk for sexual acquisition of HIV infection among adults, including both heterosexuals and MSM.* This interim guidance includes consideration of the new information and addresses pregnancy and safety issues for heterosexually active adults at very high risk for sexual HIV acquisition that were not discussed in the previous interim guidance for the use of PrEP in MSM.

Data from the four randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trials of oral PrEP with TDF and FTC that have been conducted in HIV-uninfected, heterosexually active adults were reviewed. Medical epidemiologists in the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention of the National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention at CDC developed this interim guidance. Subject matter experts at other federal health agencies, academic researchers, health department HIV policy stakeholders, and community representatives have participated in working groups and consultations to inform content for comprehensive U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) guidelines for PrEP use currently in development; those ideas also were used in developing this interim guidance.

Rationale and Evidence

The Partners PrEP trial evaluated a daily dose of a fixed-dose combination of 300 mg TDF and 200 mg FTC, and daily TDF alone (300 mg), for the HIV-uninfected male or female partner in HIV-discordant couples (where one partner is infected with HIV and the other is not) in Kenya and Uganda (3). The TDF2 trial evaluated daily TDF/FTC in adult women and men in Botswana (4), the FEM-PrEP study evaluated daily TDF/FTC in women in Kenya, South Africa, and Tanzania (5), and the VOICE trial in women in Uganda, South Africa, and Zimbabwe included one group to assess daily oral TDF/FTC, a second group to assess daily oral TDF alone, and a third group to assess daily use of a 1% tenofovir vaginal gel (6). These four trials compared HIV infection rates in participants randomized to receive antiretroviral medication compared with rates in participants randomized to receive placebo pills. All participants in these four trials received regular risk-reduction counseling, condoms, medication adherence counseling, and testing for sexually transmitted infections with treatment as indicated (Table 1).

No serious toxicities were identified in any of the four trials comparing participants receiving daily oral TDF/FTC with those receiving placebo pills; however, in the first 1–2 months on medication, nausea and vomiting were more common in those receiving TDF/FTC than in those receiving placebo. The Partners PrEP trial reported 75% efficacy for TDF/FTC (95% confidence interval [CI] = 55%–87%) and 67% efficacy for TDF (CI = 44%–81%), with 97% medication adherence by returned pill count. In the trial, no statistically significant difference in efficacy between the two regimens was observed, and efficacy was reported for both men and women independently (Table 2). The TDF2 trial found 62% efficacy (CI = 22%–83%) in men and women combined, with 84% medication adherence by returned pill count. Among persons tested who were assigned to receive TDF/FTC, the drug was detected in the blood of 81% of persons in Partners PrEP and 81% of persons in TDF2. In Partners PrEP, within a subgroup of persons who received TDF/FTC and had plasma drug levels tested, having measurable TDF concentrations was associated with a 90% risk reduction compared with placebo.

The FEM-PrEP trial and the oral TDF portion of the VOICE trial were stopped early by their data safety monitoring boards when they concluded that no evidence of efficacy would be found (futility). In the FEM-PrEP trial, researchers reported very low levels of medication adherence. Frequency of drug detection in in the blood of FEM-PrEP participants overall was not reported but was <27% among women who acquired HIV infection and <38% among matched uninfected controls. No interim analysis data were provided from the VOICE trial because the trial remains blinded, and the oral TDF/FTC and placebo study groups are continuing, with final results anticipated in late 2013.

The findings in this report are subject to at least three limitations. First, the assessment of adherence by drug-level testing currently is incomplete in trials with heterosexually active adults and is likely to provide important additional information regarding the relationship of efficacy to medication adherence that will need to be addressed in clinical practice. Second, women who became pregnant during the PrEP trials described in this report were discontinued promptly from medication, so the safety of chronic fetal exposure could not be assessed adequately. Therefore, decisions to continue PrEP during pregnancy require additional consideration. Both TDF and FTC have been used among HIV-infected pregnant women to prevent perinatal transmission, have been studied for use by discordant couples attempting conception, and have been examined in antiretroviral treatment trials that included HIV-infected women who continued therapy during their pregnancies. Data from these sources and the Antiretroviral Use in Pregnancy Registry† indicate no evidence of adverse effects among fetuses exposed to TDF or FTC (7). In addition, the higher risk for HIV transmission to uninfected women during pregnancy (compared with uninfected women who are not pregnant) might indicate an added value to continuing PrEP during pregnancy (8). Finally, sexual risk behaviors and adherence to PrEP medications among persons taking TDF/FTC for PrEP in clinical practice, when users are made aware of trial results, might be different from adherence by heterosexually active adults in PrEP trials who were unaware of their assignment to active drug or placebo and could not know the impact of adherence on efficacy.

Recommendation for Clinicians

Daily oral TDF/FTC use in two studies has been shown to be safe in reducing the risk for sexual HIV acquisition by heterosexual women and men when consistently used. In a third study with heterosexual women, PrEP was not found to be effective, and results are pending in a fourth study. The conflicting trial results for efficacy of TDF/FTC in heterosexual women can be partially explained by the low medication adherence in FEM-PrEP compared with the higher adherence in Partners PrEP and TDF2. As yet unidentified factors also might have influenced the results.

Until comprehensive PHS guidelines are available, CDC's January 2011 interim recommendations should help guide the use of PrEP in MSM (2). On the basis of the new data regarding PrEP use in heterosexually active adults, CDC now provides the following interim guidance for clinicians considering the use of PrEP for adults at very high risk for HIV acquisition through heterosexual sex (e.g., those with partners known to have HIV infection): 1) TDF/FTC is contraindicated for PrEP in persons with unknown or positive HIV status; 2) in women and men at very high risk for acquiring HIV from penile-vaginal sex, daily doses of TDF/FTC can be safe and effective in reducing the risk of HIV infection; 3) PrEP use may be one of several options (9,10) to help protect the HIV-negative partner in discordant couples during attempts to conceive; and 4) women of reproductive age should have a documented pregnancy test before beginning PrEP and if not pregnant at initiation, at regular intervals while being prescribed PrEP. If women are either pregnant before initiating PrEP or become pregnant while being prescribed PrEP, health-care providers should discuss currently available information regarding potential risks and benefits of continuing PrEP so that an informed decision can be made. If a woman takes PrEP while pregnant, providers are encouraged to prospectively and anonymously submit information about the pregnancy to the Antiretroviral Use in Pregnancy Registry.

Health-care providers should be aware, and should inform their patients that 1) the efficacy of TDF/FTC for HIV prevention is highly dependent on adherence to daily doses of medication, and 2) its long-term safety in HIV-uninfected adults or following fetal exposure is not yet determined. Health-care providers should report any serious adverse events resulting from prescribed TDF/FTC for PrEP to the FDA's MedWatch.§

CDC and other PHS agencies are developing PHS guidelines on the use of PrEP as part of a comprehensive set of HIV prevention services that will include specific recommendations for use with MSM and heterosexually active adults at very high risk for HIV acquisition. The guidelines will be updated as information about factors affecting efficacy and safety for all transmission risk groups becomes available from additional studies.

Important Reminders

PrEP has the potential to contribute to safe and effective HIV prevention for heterosexually active adults as well as MSM. CDC advises clinicians and patients to use this interim guidance as a basis to prescribe or use PrEP for heterosexually active patients until full PHS guidelines are available (Box). When PrEP is used by heterosexually active adults, it is important to ensure that 1) PrEP is targeted to persons at very high risk for HIV acquisition (11), especially uninfected persons whose regular sexual partners are known to have HIV infection; 2) the importance of adherence to daily medication and its influence on efficacy is clearly discussed; 3) couples understand that although no adverse effects have been found among infants exposed to TDF/FTC during pregnancy and breastfeeding, these data are incomplete for women in HIV-discordant couples using TDF/FTC to prevent acquisition of HIV; 4) PrEP is delivered as part of a comprehensive set of prevention services, including risk-reduction, PrEP medication adherence counseling, and ready access to condoms; 5) sexually transmitted infection treatment is provided when indicated by laboratory screening tests conducted at least every 6 months, and 6) PrEP is accompanied by monitoring of HIV status, pregnancy status, side effects, adherence, and risk behaviors at each quarterly follow-up visit.