If you are looking for a diet program to lose weight fast with diet dairy products can provide 4 days 2 kg, 2 kgweight loss you have 3 days depending on your metabolic rate even possible. This reduces dietary cholesterol, strengthens bones and helps you get rid of acne. Not to weaken you, it allows you to reach in your health.
Before each meal, you should drink 1 glass of non-carbonated mineral water.
Here's what you can eat during your diet.
1.OG instance
1 yoghurt,
1 banana,
honey tea or black coffee
Examples of 2.OG
1 boiled egg,
cucumber salad with yogurt sauce,
1 cup yogurt
Examples of 3.ög
100 grams of milk or water oats
200 grams of cheese
1 glass of water Milk.
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