Gives weight but people around you, you start the diet tomorrow today are disturbing and so you feel bad, do not you? Well, no return to the past Have you ever tried to figure out where you hang out? Yeah, you try to understand yourself is a very important point during weight loss because your thoughts will determine whether to continue your diet. "But what do I do now?", I think, will help you, do not worry!
I eat but I do not put on weight is not the right word!
"Take a look at poor people around you. Like eating anything they want and not gain weight even. However, such a situation is not possible to take too eat to lose weight. Poor people can adjust the amount they eat and can not eat the brakes on them too. Moreover, some people have the habit of doing sport or moving; They use every opportunity during the day to spend calories coming out against such they prefer to use the stairs instead of the lift ...
The ability to natural diet
The main reason is actually making skills in the natural diet of these people remain poor. So these people have to make a lifestyle diet; eat less and spend more calories received a habit for them. Some people naturally have these skills, habits acquired in childhood herein important genetic factors. But if some people do not have these skills naturally, these people can acquire these skills and develop through learning. "
Learn, implement and do it again!
"Learning, deploy, and again ... Let's say you want to learn how to swim. You need to learn which movements you need to do before that. Not enough to know this in theory, must enter the water, you need to practice what you have learned. Whether you are skills that need to again become permanent frequently after swimming. Dieting also learned skills in this way. What you're doing wrong before, and in fact you should know what you should do. Then passing it to your daily life that you should reflect on your behavior. The final stage is to automate these skills, you must also use these skills in abundance for it.
Where we doing wrong?
People who can not develop this skill, you're making a mistake over any of the above mentioned steps.
The mistakes made in the learning process: The person does not know or may know what to do wrong. Improper diet is the most typical example of this. Calorie restriction is overly done, leaving open person, "shock" diet can cause weight loss in a short time, but people give even more to take the weight quickly.
The mistakes made in the implementation process: People, as practical as theoretical knowledge learned in the daily life may not be spent. For example; people learned about the information that should be left open while dieting. But skipping meals while the diet and therefore remains open. In this case the opening of a person's appetite and thus cramming attack living mistakes made in the process of the olur.tekr cause weight gain are: I learned that you have to starve himself when people diet and really also apply to diet or skip meals. A week later, he returned to his old eating patterns. So he practices a skill he learned again and again. Learn new information quickly cleared and people return to their old eating habits. Because the brain is common knowledge, but again becomes permanent.
Cognitive behavioral therapy can be learned
Continuously using the same patterns of thought and behavior does not help you lose weight in turning around a vicious circle. So far, neither of you blocking your weight loss which you receive or give back the weight and the thoughts and behaviors that you need to learn how to mold and how they changed. This topic will help you a kind of psychotherapy is cognitive behavioral therapy. "
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